Monday, April 13, 2015

Top Fav Fictional Couple

1. Klaine

Oh Klaine, perfect fictional couple,  my heart is aching because of jealousy. Seeing people have beautiful relationship, um nehhh not gonna work for me, not that easy, it is complicated. Maybe not now, not on earth.

2. Bilbo and Thorin

It is clearly the love each other, hahahaha they just don't want to label it. But Thorin died at the end, but Bilbo still holding his hand.... Oh my.... forgive my fantasy

3. Prof X and Magneto (young) James McAvoy & Michael Fassbender

Hahahahahhahahaha they are totally straight, but bromance is over 1000km radius. Sheesh both are my favourite actor. 

4. Tiffany and Pat

oh my I adore this crazy couple from the Silver Lining Playbook (fav)
I'm just a crazy slut with a dead husband HAHAHAAHAHAH

5.Lena and Ethan

Beautiful Creature, love it love it 
love it!
They are sweet....

gay or straight couple. We can differentiate love and lust. Love is unconditional.
*this is only fictional character

So there you go, my list. there is plenty of more, but I am lazy to write.


  1. hahahaha, suke entry nie
    michael fassbender fav gak
    and opkos blaine <3
